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George Washington University | Student Center

A Renovation Worth Talking About: The University Student Center.

The Student Center is the heart of George Washington University's Foggy Bottom campus. With ample seating options from Bernhardt Design to VIA Seating, students can hang out with friends, grab a bite to eat, study with classmates, and more. The space was designed to become a multi-functional center for students and guests. This renovation took place alongside the Duques Hall project in the span of less than six months. Manufacturers include Allermuir, Encore, ERG International, Grand Rapids Chair, Keilhauer, Leland, and OFS. Architect: Ayers Saint Gross.

  • Client

    George Washington University
  • Location

    Washington, DC
  • Duration

    5 Months
  • Service

    Space Planning, Space Planning, Furniture Selection, Fabric and Finish Selection, Managed Installation

What our clients are saying

SML has been providing GW with outstanding customer service on a wide range of furniture projects from the design through post occupancy phases for years! Their deep understanding of the university's standards, keen attention to detail, and design expertise consistently results in creating attractive and comfortable spaces across our campuses.

The George Washington University

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