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— Commercial furniture is kind of our thing.

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Our passion for this space is reflected in every room we enter.

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— Why work with us?


Intimate knowledge.

Our close-knit team understands that not all furniture dealerships are created equal. Our clients know when they call us, we’ll pick up the phone. From small offices to elite educational institutions and beyond – we’re excited to offer our skills and expertise to anyone in need of commercial furniture. With thousands of successful projects completed; we’ve seen it all.


A personal touch.

We value building relationships, keeping communication open and frequent, and seeing a space come to life. Our clients’ satisfaction is our top priority. We take the guess work out of commercial furniture and provide necessary information regarding maintenance, warranties, and cleaning. Our clients trust us because we work right alongside them.


And a great eye for design.

After 40+ years in the industry, we know what stands the test of time. How a space works and flows.  Organizations evolve, styles change, and spaces shift. SML prioritizes keeping our team up to date with access to the latest design software, visiting showrooms and factories, and staying current with trends in commercial spaces. We've got an eye for this stuff.

What our clients are saying

SML is always a great company to work with on such projects – their creativity, recommendations, and professionalism is a positive addition to the projects.

Chesapeake College